Empower your mobile workforce with VoIP

Remote work policies require companies to expand their communication capabilities. Many businesses aim to increase productivity and improve customer service by turning to a VoIP solution. There are several factors that will make your VoIP more mobile while ensuring both your customers and employees remain satisfied and can communicate hassle-free. To cater to your out-of-office […]

What are the top 5 benefits of a cloud ERP?

As more and more solutions are made available in the cloud, more and more small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are flocking to use them. One increasingly popular solution is cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP). If you want to integrate your systems using an ERP program, then you should seriously consider a cloud-based ERP solution. Define: […]

The 5 types of hackers who want to harm your business

You’ve probably heard it said that not all hackers are dangerous. That’s true, of course. For instance, white hat hackers hack into a system to uncover vulnerabilities and boost its protection against cyberthreats. However, we won’t be talking about white hat hackers in this blog. Instead, we’ll take a close look at five types of […]

What are the different VoIP options for SMBs?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a telephony solution allows small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to choose between traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based devices (softphones). Read on to learn which option best suits your organization’s needs. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone functions like a normal phone, but it’s connected to your business’s IP network […]

Tips to boost the speed of your WordPress site

A decade ago, five seconds was a completely acceptable page load time. But today, most users expect a web page to load as soon as they open it. Otherwise, they will simply close it. To prevent users from bouncing off, try these tips that will surely speed up your WordPress site. Keep WordPress and plugins […]

Top IT security terms everyone should know

It’s every business user’s responsibility to protect their computers and data from cyberattacks. The good news is that you don’t need to be an IT security expert to keep them safe. You can start increasing your knowledge by learning some of these basic cybersecurity terms. Malware For a long time, the phrase “computer virus” was […]

What you need to know about VoIP phone systems

While many businesses are already using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones to connect with their customers and other stakeholders, some still depend on traditional telephone systems to get the job done. This is because many organizations aren’t aware of the crucial gains in productivity and efficiency that come with internet phones. If you’re still […]

How does the human cloud benefit SMBs?

If the prevalent image of a startup is a couple of guys in a garage (think Amazon, Apple, Microsoft), the emerging picture of the workforce of the future consists of skilled talents collaborating in the cloud. Thanks to the human cloud, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can now eliminate the barriers associated with traditional workspaces […]

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been suffering massive data breaches for a number of years now. If you wish to continue using these services, you need to tighten your social media privacy settings. Here are a few reminders and tips to help you secure your personal information on social media. Lock […]

How SMBs can prevent VoIP eavesdropping

As a business owner, you should be aware of the different cyberattacks that can hurt your company. One of these is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) eavesdropping. This occurs when cybercriminals infiltrate your VoIP network and listen in on your calls in hopes of stealing critical business information. To prevent this, you should implement the […]

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