Basic web conversion strategies you need to use

Making sure your website is easy to use is crucial to attract prospects and convince them to buy your products or services. Here are five tips that improve user experience, site trustworthiness, and conversion rates. 1. Optimize your website for mobile devices More people are now surfing the web via smartphones and tablets. If you […]

A guide to implementing proactive cybersecurity measures

Running a business has always been a challenge, but the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape has made it even more so. Every day, newer, more sophisticated cyberthreats emerge, putting businesses at risk of significant data, productivity, and financial losses. Implementing a proactive cybersecurity strategy is an effective way to keep these threats at bay and ensure continuous […]

5 Steps for securing your VoIP systems

If your company’s Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony systems are not equipped to weather disasters like wildfires and hurricanes, then they may fail when a calamity occurs. This could disrupt your operations and you may lose productivity, customers, and profit as a result. To avoid such losses, you must follow these important steps. Choose […]

Surefire ways to protect your email account

If you think your email is safe from hackers, think again. A lack of sufficient email security protocols can lead to data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and successful malware attacks. Here are some tips to secure your email account from cyberthreats and the many troubles that come with them. Use separate email accounts […]

Computing the ownership cost of a VoIP system

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems are tried and tested tools for business agility and continuity, so it’s no wonder that many companies use them. But they also come with ownership costs that you should anticipate. Read on to learn more. Upfront costs Upfront costs are largely determined by the manner in which you acquire […]

Think your password is secure? Think again

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created many of the password best practices you probably loathe, including using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. The NIST now says those guidelines were ill-advised and has changed its stance. Find out why and what this means for you. The problem The issue isn’t […]

Why call recording is advantageous for businesses

It’s almost impossible for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) today to function without Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). And as an SMB owner, you should explore ways to maximize your VoIP system’s features. For starters, you can use its call recording function to enhance your customer service quality. In turn, you can reap the following […]

Why you should implement single sign-on for your business

Password creation and management can be a bothersome process, with different websites imposing different password parameters and the like. Multiply that by all the online services you use and it all starts to look overwhelming. Fortunately, a simple tool called single sign-on can make all of that much easier. What is single sign-on (SSO)? Single […]

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