Tips on how to best use G Suite

G Suite is Google’s powerful productivity and collaboration platform. The suite includes popular Google apps like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, chat and video-conferencing apps, and so on. Many people are already familiar with these apps, but even those who use it every day may benefit from learning a trick or two on how to further maximize […]

Single Sign-On: The key to user management

Making passwords can be tedious. From complexity requirements to minimum lengths, creating a password for each new account brings its own set of headaches. If this problem is reaching a boiling point, Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions can help. These techniques are secure, easy-to-manage, and do away with the need to manage a long list of […]

Use virtualization to protect your devices

Cybersecurity threats are increasing for both small and large businesses, which means solutions that protect mobile devices are no longer just nice-to-have solutions. As more work is handled outside of the office, the risks to your data increase. Virtualization vendors are leading the charge to tackle these challenges with innovative solutions. Mobile device management and […]

VPNs: Why you need them

Installing antivirus software and setting strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With hackers, third parties, and ISPs constantly monitoring networks and your online habits, hopping onto a virtual private network (VPN) is crucial for keeping your surfing habits private. Here’s why. What is a VPN? The best way to describe […]

Battle of the VoIPs: Hangouts or Skype?

Microsoft and Google have been competing on almost every front. Both have made huge strides in machine learning, cloud computing, and productivity software. In terms of VoIP solutions, the tech powerhouses are also neck and neck with Microsoft’s Skype for Business and Google’s Hangouts Meet. These VoIP tools have several calling and video conferencing features […]

Make Google Chrome faster with these easy steps

As one of the fastest browsers in the market, Google Chrome is the perfect match for quick-paced internet users of the 21st century. But like any technology that stores information, Chrome’s performance can slow down and frustrate its users. It can also affect their productivity and lower their motivation. If you’re using Chrome and finding […]

AI-powered VoIP: what businesses can expect

Automating business processes is a necessity for most organizations. While the human element is still important, automation increases time to market and saves money. And because telecom is an essential part of businesses’ operations, AI developers are introducing advances in VoIP telephony that will take automation to a whole new level. Contact center operations Highly […]

The basics of serverless computing

Serverless computing is one way to reduce management burdens brought about by the need to configure several servers. But before you adopt this technology, it’s important that you first understand its basic principles as well as how you can leverage it to improve your day-to-day operations and, ultimately, your bottom line. What is serverless computing? […]

5 Reasons to use Google Data Studio now

Google is well known for its powerful search engine, but did you know it also offers intuitive business intelligence tools? Google Data Studio is one of the tools in the Google Analytics 360 Suite, and many companies are already raving about it. What is Google Data Studio? Google Data Studio is a data visualization tool […]

Think your password is secure? Think again

A password policy designed for federal agencies must be secure, right? Surprisingly, that hasn’t been the case, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST created many of the password best practices you probably loathe — the combination of letters, numbers, and special characters — but it now says those guidelines […]

Email is the primary avenue of attack for most cybercriminals, who use it to target individuals and businesses with phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats. Learn how email security maintains the integrity of your emails, accounts, and data.GET A FREE COPY NOW!