A primer on watering hole attacks

Cyberattacks come in many different forms, with new methods being developed all the time. What’s bad is that personal information is now often stored online, be it through social media or through government and healthcare services — and these are juicy targets for criminals. Learn more about one way these criminals steal data — through […]

3 Common storage virtualization issues

Your data storage virtualization plan can go awry when done hastily, causing your business to miss out on the benefits of virtualization altogether. To guide you, we highlighted three of the most common storage virtualization problems you may encounter. Poorly structured storage from the get go Within a virtualized data storage framework, information is grouped into […]

Improve communication by dealing with VoIP issues

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems are cheaper and more efficient than regular phones and businesses are jumping on board. However, transitioning without a plan can cause a range of issues that many business owners never expected. Here are a few you should keep in mind. Poor call quality Complicated and frustrating VoIP system […]

What is a web host?

Businesses need to have an online presence these days, and that usually starts with having a website. But to access your website on the internet, you need to partner with a web host. This blog post breaks down the basics of a web host and the two most common types of hosting. What is a […]

Beware of distributed spam distraction

It’s frustrating to receive dozens of spam messages in your email inbox. Spam mail is so easy to delete, which is why most people think it’s just a harmless annoyance. But hackers have devised a way to make use of spam mail for criminal purposes. It’s called distributed spam distraction, and here’s what you need […]

Is virtualization right for your company?

Virtualization has become a popular solution for many businesses to back up servers, upgrade hardware, or move to the cloud. Deploying virtualized systems has proven cost-effective and efficient for many companies, but is it right for your organization? Here are some factors you ought to consider. The advantages One of the most significant advantages of […]

4 Free Google apps you need on your device

Did you know that Google offers more than just Gmail, Maps, and YouTube? A quick browse through Google Play will introduce you to a host of apps that can make your life easier. Window shopping at the Google store, however, means an inundation of productivity-destroying entertainment apps, and you probably have no time to sift […]

Selecting the right VoIP system for your business

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services are taking over communications in the digital age, making your office landline a thing of the past. More companies are starting to deploy VoIP because it is popular and cost-effective. What factors do you have to consider before getting your own VoIP system? Here are some tips you can […]

Hacks to boost the speed of your WordPress site

We’ve all experienced the frustration that comes with a slow-loading website. While 10 years ago, we would have waited patiently as a site loaded with all the urgency of a sloth, today’s internet surfers won’t hesitate to close the tab. Most expect at least a three-second load time, while some won’t settle for wait times […]

Keeping your email safe

If you think your email is safe from hackers, think again. A lack of sufficient email security measures can result in data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and malware attacks. Here are some tips to secure your email account from unwanted intruders and the many troubles that come with them. Use separate email accounts […]

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