How much is malware protection worth to you?

It may be different for every business, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to calculate

There are several ways hackers target small- and medium-sized businesses, and malicious software is one of the most common. This so-called “Malware” comes in many different forms, and it takes specialists years to master the art of prevention, detection, and repair. Despite that, there are things IT amateurs can do themselves to stay safe.


Our latest eBook answers questions such as:

  • How do I stop a malware infection in its earliest stages?
  • What are the different types of malware?
  • Is adware really as dangerous as people say?
  • How much should businesses in my industry spend on cybersecurity?

This guide will help businesses in any vertical and in any stage of growth keep their IT running smoothly. And downloading this eBook comes with no strings attached; it’s just another way we can show our commitment to keeping our side safe from hackers. Why not get started today?

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  • AT&T
  • Cyrus One
  • Rackspace
  • Server Central